Orders of Protection in Illinois

Domestic violence is a serious matter and requires immediate attention. The purpose of the Illinois Domestic Violence Act is to recognize that domestic violence is a serious matter which provides family disharmony, promotes a pattern of escalating violence, and creates an emotional atmosphere that is harmful to children. If you are concerned for your safety or for your children, you need to contact an attorney quickly. The attorneys of The Law Office of J. Patrick Nelson, PC have extensive experience helping victims of abuse get protection, and defending those who have been falsely accused of abuse or harassment.

An Order of Protection can be used as a shield as well as a sword in a divorce. Judges are aware that one may use an order of protection as a means to gain an advantage in a divorce. If you have been served with an Order of Protection, it is critical that you retain an attorney with experience in handling these types of matters as soon as possible.

An Order of Protection can be granted based on the following grounds: abuse, harassment, threats, stalking, interference with personal liberty, intimidation and neglect. The court may grant:

  • an emergency order of protection (without notice to the other side),
  • an interim order of protection (valid for up to 30 days), or
  • a plenary order of protection (valid for up to 2 years).

A judge has considerable discretion to order the following remedies if an order of protection is granted: stay away order, exclusive possession of a residence, individual counseling, custody of children and a prohibition of future acts of abuse or harassment.

Contact Our Attorneys Today

If you need immediate help with an Illinois Order of Protection matter, we encourage you to contact an attorney today to protect yourself and your interests: call 630-480-4280, email info@jpatricknelsonlaw.com, or complete our online information form.

Our DuPage County attorneys work with clients throughout Chicago's western suburbs including Wheaton, Aurora, Joliet and Naperville.